Thursday, November 12, 2009

Just starting this blog first because my cousin (Freddie) said it would be easy to do. So I am trying it out to see if what he said is true.

I am a mother of two amazing children. I have curently enrolled back into school to finish out my BA in Accounting, hoping to later get my teaching degree. I am working for a company that I hope to stay with but who knows where that is heading "the economy has a major factor".

I have a few minor goals:
- I need to make more money at my current job or where ever my career takes me
- I need to get my roof fixed in my house "got a stupid leak that drives me crazy"
- I really hope to go to Vegas for my 30th Birthday

Family goals:
- Figure out away for my son to stop talking in class "if you know me you know where he gets it from"
- To keep in touch with immediate family and now my extended family
- To take a family trip with my sister and the kids

My vision for the blog is to keep myself in check/on the right path. When I start to stray I will read back to my original goals and get myself back on track. Hope that you enjoy the journey with me...

1 comment:

  1. Great 1st post :-)

    In the next few days I will send you how to add the page view counter and the map view of visits.

