Friday, November 13, 2009

It is Friday YIPEEE.... I am so happy that it is here. I picked up one of my favorite girls Natasia. I love that girl so much; she is growing so fast. I can't believe that she is 12 already. I am scared in less than 3 years she can drive that freaks me out. I don't think I can get in a car with her. I hope that when she is really going through her teen years that she knows that she can tell me and come to me for anything. I will never judge I will listen with all my heart.

My daughter is at her fun stages she is only 2 and is in love with music. She is playing with a Sponge Bob toy and is singing a (Black Eye Pea song) Boom Boom Pow (she says Boom Boom Kick) and it is the cutest thing. I wish I had here free spirit she is not afraid to be herself. She is getting into dressing up lately she has been wearing her bathing suits around the house. Knowing it is cold outside and she is not getting in a pool she still just wants to wear it. Now she has me playing Halo by Beyonce and she is dancing around so freaken cute.

As for my son he is a typical boy life is a breeze. No worries he knows that mommy will take care of everything. I am do good to these kids but they are my world. That is one thing people get sick of my saying and doing is talking about my kids all the time. I love being a mother it is a rewarding job I know that I still have the teen years to go through but I am ready. Not to forget I will have Big Joey to fall back on. He is an amazing father I could not ask for a better father for my children.

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