Friday, November 20, 2009

I am going to try my best at posting something weekly if I can. If something exciting is going on believe me I will let you all know. The week at work was really good one of my major pressures was not there. If you don't understand it is OK. I am starting to get a really bad headache and it sucks because have a fun night ahead of me. We are all going back to Carolyn's house for a night of games. I like acting like a kid every once in a while. We will be playing Rock Band again and a Quiz Buzz show game Trivia is so much fun.

We had our sons conference last and it went pretty good. He is a Star in Math and he gets that from me. He is a class clown also and very popular he gets that from the both of his parents. The only thing is he does the bare minimum in writing. He does not like to write. He rushes through everything just to get it over with. So Daddy is going to try to work on that with him that is his strong point. All I can do is wish the both of them good luck with that. They are both a bit stubborn. He also lost his book bag and has no idea where it is. The bad thing about it is he had a science project in it that he needed to do and it is now gone. SO he is going to get a bad grade on it because he can no longer do it. I am upset about it because was to watch a seed grow how hard really would that of been.

As for Kylee she is going to be the death of me. She is actually right now beating her brother up. She is so cute but tries to test us as much as she can. She has this major fear going on and it is weird to me because she is so young. She is so afraid of the dark. If she could get what she wanted she would have every light in the house on. Last night she was so afraid to go into the bathroom unless I was in there with her. She is potty trained and at the same time to short to reach the light. So I have a night light in there but that is not bright enough for her. So every time she had to pee I had to get up and take her because she swore there was something in there. I have never showed her any scary movies or talk to her about ghost or even scare her. She must see something but I have no idea. I can only hope and pray it gets better.

The Holiday's are coming so fast. "side note the older you get the faster life seems to go". Well I'm excited I get to cook a huge Thanksgiving dinner. I love to cook for my family it just brings a smile to my face. This year my niece has asked me if she can cook with me. That is a first and I just hope that it goes good. She wants to be a cook so this should go good, well I hope :). I have never done "Black Friday" I am really contemplating about doing it this year. I know that people go crazy so I really have to think about it.

Well I have to get ready for my night TTYL.....

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