Thursday, December 3, 2009

I'm stressing out on getting homework done and I can't focus because my daughter is crazy. Within the past 15 minutes she has changed 3 different times. First she wanted to wear her Tinker Bell pajamas, she was wearing a bathing suite, and now she is wearing my work sneakers and nothing else but a pair of underwear's. She just knows how to make me laugh. By the way an update she is doing so much better with going into the bathroom by herself.I guess the monsters are going away. She is now bothering the boys (Nick and lil Joey) they are trying to play video games and she keeps gong the room and asking for kisses and asking them over and over "what are you doing" about 2 inches away from their face. It is funny to me but they are getting to frustrated.

P.S. Congrats Freddie on the baby Brecken can't wait to see the family.

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