Saturday, July 3, 2010

Again it has been a while. Life is pretty good the kids are getting so big to fast. I'm turning 30 in 3 days. Me being a female you would think it would bother me but it is just another birthday. I still feel young at heart n that's what matters. I have some fun things coming up my little one is turning 3 I am taking a trip to Miami. Then going to NJ n NY. Then my son is turning 11 and we will be going on a cruise. I can't wait for everything to happen.

Friday, March 19, 2010

I am tired just sitting outside of the office about to head in. But I wanted to say that I am thankful for what I have been blessed wiith.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Life is crazy. I hate this saying "I wish life had a manual/handbook". Only because I don't want the handbook I want my lifes writen path given to me. I'm going to be 30 this year n I still have not learned how to let go. I need to enjoy the moment more why? Here it goes another saying "life is short".

I can't complain I have a job two healthy kids my own house and a man that loves me. Not to forget just yesterday I got a new phone, I know random but that is what I'm about. I have the Cliq XT and it is wondeful.

I had a really good weekend that just passed. David is like know one else I know. We went to Capones dinner show then city walk and it was lots of fun.

If there is anyone out there with the answer to happiness please share. Okay back to folding clothes.